6 Ways to De-Stress at Work
Are You Stressed at Work? Relax, 6 Ways to De-Stress
Job insecurity is certainly nothing new. Workers in the UK have feared losing their jobs for decades. Although unemployment is necessary in any capitalist society, the number of people out of work tends to rise during periods of economic uncertainty. When the financial waters are troubled, ordinary people do all they can to hold on to their jobs – and that can mean turning up for work when sick or injured.Recent figures published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) reveal that the average employee in the UK misses only 4.5 days a year due to sickness. This compares favourably to the 7.2 average days lost in 1993, when the British economy was enjoying a period of sustained growth. As workers put in the ten per cent extra effort bosses so desperately crave, concern is growing that the job insecure are risking their health and safety to avoid unemployment. Provided below are six useful ways to avoid or relieve stress in the workplace.
Sleep and stress are locked in a vicious circle. According to health experts at the NHS, insufficient sleep can make stress much worse, but stress can cause sleeplessness. Poor sleeping habits are one of the main causes or promoters of stress. Medical health researchers recommend between six and nine hours of sleep every night for adults, although precisely how long is considered ideal depends on the individual. The best way to alleviate stress in the workplace, therefore, is to adopt an orthodox sleeping pattern consisting of early nights and early rising.
One of the reasons why stress is made worse by insufficient or disrupted sleep is that the body grows physically tired when it is not properly rested. A lack of energy can compound stress, causing people to rely more heavily on artificial stimuli such as caffeine, sugary foods and alcohol, which can contribute to various other problems, including obesity and alcoholism.
Exercise releases endorphins in the body, which can improve overall mental and emotional well-being. With a refreshed outlook on life, many people are able to identify the causes of their stress.
Work Smarter, Not Harder
As noted above, managers often demand 110% of their employees. Some even insist on 150%, 200% or 500%. People can only ever give 100%, of course, but even then, workers must take care not to work too hard. Bosses should not place undue strain on their employees, while workers should ensure that they improve the efficiency of their activities in the workplace.
Work Less
Allied with the previous step, employees should not devote life and limb to an occupation if they can help it. Taking holidays and using the time wisely to relax and unwind can greatly reduce the impact of stress on workers over the course of a year.
Get Treatment
Workers who suffer illness or injury must receive prompt medical treatment. It is often possible to avoid long-term problems by visiting the doctor soon after symptoms present. In the event of a worker making a claim for medical negligence, an employer should do all he can to help him.
Stay Home
As the ONS reports, people are spending less time off work due to sickness. Although job insecurity is a serious issue during times of recession, workers ought not to be afraid to stay at home when they are genuinely ill; indeed, employers should welcome this, because absence can improve the long-term health of workers, particularly in respect to avoiding or alleviating stress.
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